Research and publications

Robertson PA, Sears WR, Cunningham JE
Surgery versus nonsurgical treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis: a randomized trial. 
Ann Intern Med 2015; 163(5): 396-397 doi: 10.7326/L15-5129-2

Manson JF, Landham PR, Cunningham JE, Montgomery AS, Don AS, Robertson PA
Universal No Fault Compensation is associated with Improved Return to Work Rates in Spine Fusion.

Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2015; Epub ahead of print

Montgomery AS, Cunningham JE, Robertson PA
The Influence of No Fault Compensation on Functional Outcomes after Lumbar Spine Fusion.

Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2015; 40(14): 1140-1147

Cunningham JE, Benhamu J, Hawkes D
The need for a chiropractic adverse events reporting system in Australia

Med J Aust 2014; 200 (4): 204.

Cunningham JE, Elling EM, Milton AH, Robertson PA
What is the optimum fusion technique for adult isthmic spondylolisthesis – PLIF or PLF? A long-term prospective cohort comparison study.

Journal of Spinal Disorders & Techniques. 26(5):260-267, July 2013.

Cunningham JE, Don AS, Robertson PA
Intention to treat analysis: the parachute revisited

ANZ Journal of Surgery, 2011, 81: 920–922

Cunningham JE, Swamy G, Thomas K
Does preoperative DVT chemoprophylaxis in spinal surgery affect the incidence of thromboembolic complications and spinal epidural haematomas?

J Spinal Disord Tech, 2011, 24 (4): E31–E34

Cunningham JE
Water use in the surgical scrub: isn’t it time to stop using water at all?

ANZ Journal of Surgery 2009, 79 (12): 954

Cunningham JE, Hurlbert RJ
C2 Fractures

Chapter, eHandbook, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, 2009

Cunningham JE, Ellis AM
The Management of Clavicular Fractures in the Modern Soldier

Australian Military Medicine 2005, 14(1):16-20

Kitchener S, Cunningham JE, and Jensen A
Mefloquine for Malaria Chemoprophylaxis in the ADF

Australian Military Medicine 2001, 10:4-5

Tracey, DJ, Cunningham, JE and Romm, MA
Peripheral hyperalgesia in experimental neuropathy: mediation by α2 adrenoreceptors on postganglionic sympathetic terminals

Pain 1994, 60: 317 – 327

Tracey, DJ and Cunningham, JE
The role of the saphenous nerve in experimental sciatic nerve mononeuropathy produced by loose ligatures: comment

Pain 1993, 55: 128

Cunningham, JE and Tracey, DJ
Hyperalgesia in peripheral neuropathy: mediation by α2 adrenoreceptors on postganglionic sympathetic terminals

Proceedings of the Australian Neuroscience Society 1993, 4

Cunningham, JE
The Role of the Sympathetic Nervous System in Chronic Pain

Thesis, UNSW, 1992

Presentations and posters

Moi JHY, Warrender-Sparkes M, Phan U, de Gruchy A, Yuen T, Cunningham J, Wicks IP
Back pain Assessment Clinic in primary care: A feasible new model of hospital/community care.

Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference, Gold Coast, 2015.

Moi JHY, Warrender-Sparkes M, Phan U, de Gruchy A, Yuen T, Cunningham J, Wicks IP
Assessing the quality of back pain referrals to an Australian tertiary hospital: a retrospective observational study.

Australian Rheumatology Association 56th Annual Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, 2015.

Cunningham JE
The World of Spine Registries

Australian Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 2014

Manson JF, Montgomery AS, Cunningham JE, Landham PR, Don AS, Robertson PA
Universal No Fault Compensation is associated with Improved Return to Work Rates in Spine Fusion

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Seoul, Korea, 2014

Montgomery A, Cunningham JE, Robertson PA
Compensation hinders functional recovery in lumbar spinal fusions, or does it? The benefits of a no fault, universal compensation system

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Amsterdam, 2012

Montgomery A, Cunningham JE, Robertson PA
Does the Harvesting of Posterior Iliac Crest Autograft Contribute to the Short or Long Term Functional Impairment in Patients Undergoing Posterior Lumbar Fusion?

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Amsterdam, 2012 – Best poster award

Cunningham JE, Robertson PA
Long-term Outcomes following Lumbar Spine Fusion for Adult Isthmic Spondylolisthesis: a Comparison of PLIF vs PLF.

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Göteborg, 2011

Robertson PA, Lim RK, Cunningham JE, Yeung HK, Shelley GP, Ng MKC, Tsitsopoulos P, Voronov LI, Havey RM, Patwardhan AG
Rationale for Development of a Novel Device for Intra-articular Atlanto-Axial Stabilization (DIAS) – Anatomical and Biomechanical Investigation

Asia-Pacific Cervical Spine Society Meeting, Sydney, 2010

Cunningham JE, Swamy G, Thomas K
The Role of Preoperative DVT Prophylaxis in Thromboembolic Complications in Spinal Surgery

International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine, Auckland, 2010

Cunningham JE, Ellis AM, Hartley M
Should Eskimos Jump? Spinal Diseases and the Military Parachutist

Australian Military Medicine Association and Defence Health Services Conference, Brisbane, 2006

Cunningham JE, Turner D, Agho K
The Accuracy of Orthopaedic Surgeons to Visually Estimate Angles

NSW AOA Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney, 2005

Cunningham JE, Turner D, Agho K
A New Measure of Suture Stability & Knot Effectiveness

Combined Orthopaedic Associations Meeting, Sydney, 2004

Cunningham JE, Ellis AM
The Management of Clavicular Fractures in the Modern Soldier

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Melbourne, 2004

Cunningham JE, Turner D, Agho K
An Accurate & Simple In-Vitro Method of Testing and Teaching Suture Materials and Knot Security – the WASH

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Melbourne, 2004

Ellis AM, Slater JR, Milne BW, Cunningham JE
“Splint them where they lie” – A History of the Thomas Splint in War

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003

Ellis, AM, Joseph, A, and Cunningham, JE
Thoraco-lumbar Fracture in Patients with Major Trauma: Guidelines for Diagnosis and Imaging

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003

Cunningham JE, Ellis AM, Rohrsheim J
Casualties across the Beachhead – Health Support to Amphibious Operations

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons Annual Scientific Congress, Brisbane, 2003

Cunningham JE, Ellis AM, Rohrsheim J
Battlefield Casualties across the Beachhead – Health Support to Amphibious Operations

Defence Health Symposium, Sydney, 2002

Cunningham JE
The Role of the Reserves on Operational Deployments

Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, Australian Federal Parliament, 2000